Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Crash ... and Burn

Which is about how I've been feeling lately.

There is a fair bit going on personally over here, not the least of which includes the battle to have my own child's EA hours reinstated for next year.

Can anybody out there please explain to me the rationale, the justification, for cutting the aide hours of a student in the very year she transitions from Middle to High School? More accurately, not just "cutting" those hours, but eliminating all EA support completely?

This for a student who has had intensive EA support throughout her schooling, for various medical and safety reasons. Not to mention the fact that it just might be useful if we would actually like her to learn something. Silly me, perhaps she has been *cured* and I missed it...

Anyway, the final report from the Nova Scotia Pro Bono Study is now available online. Which you're welcome to take a look at, if it tickles your fancy. Who knows ... someday I may even make it over there to read it myself.

Also of note, a new report from the United States Government Accountability Office, SECLUSIONS AND RESTRAINTS Selected Cases of Death and Abuse at Public and Private Schools and Treatment Centers, was released last month. Which might possibly be of interest considering our previous discussion on the use of time out rooms in Nova Scotia and elsewhere.

Have I read either of these, you ask?

Quite honestly, no. Haven't even skimmed them. But with any luck, I will get some time over the summer. Or better yet, how about if a few of you take a look and tell me what you think?

Thanks. I would appreciate it.

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