Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Friday, December 31, 2010

Reading Corner

Update:  Review of "Disability and Human Rights in the Workplace" added.

I'm hoping you all had a Very Merry Christmas. Ours was nice and quiet ... not to be confused with "nice but quiet" - I actually prefer them nice and quiet.

I must confess that, for me, there's nothing quite like curling up with a good book (or good audio book, my latest obsession). Especially over the holidays.

In that vein, unfortunately, one thing I haven't done as much of as I was hoping I might is some more reading for our Book Review section.  I have, however, managed to post one new review recently (concerning a book I previously praised "Advising the Older Client").

The above being a very legal book, there is another I have recently finished which is decidedly non-legal, "Everything you NEVER wanted your kids to know about SEX (but were afraid they'd ask)", which I hope to post about over the next couple of days.

So should anyone be looking for some good reading material as yet another holiday season winds down ...

Friday, December 24, 2010

... And To All a Good Night

My how time flies ... it seems like Christmas does a better job of sneaking up on me with each passing year!

I must admit that this is my favourite holiday though - the cold and snow outside (although no snow yet this year) and the warmth and love of family and friends inside. 

There is nothing I enjoy better, nothing which gives me more peace than sitting in a darkened room, illuminated only by a Christmas tree and admiring its beauty.  It is a time to muse, review, reflect, renew and rejuvenate.

For no matter what may have transpired this past year (through both the highs and the lows), there is the sure knowledge that hope springs anew for the future. And although there is assuredly much, much work yet to be done in the future, there are also many victories to be celebrated in the past.

So to all my readers, both old and new ... a Very Merry Christmas to you and you family.  And to All  a Good Night.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Home for the Holidays ~ Practical Applications

Home sweet home.

There's no place like home.

Home is where the heart is.

Home is where you go when you have nowhere else to go.

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. ~ Robert Frost

Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home. ~ Mother Teresa

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. ~ Maya Angelou

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Very wise words, indeed.

Because no matter how you choose to slice it (or quote it), no matter who we are, no matter what our gifts or challenges may be, to truly function to our full potential in the world, we all need a home.  Not just a house, but a home.  A place that's ours and ours alone (or ours to share with loved ones), a place that gives us that sense of peace, belonging and security.

As the parent (or other family member) of a person with a disability, it might well be something you often think about.  What will happen to our loved one when we are no longer able to provide them with a home (or if, for some unforeseen reason, they should lose the home they now have)?  Where will they make their home?  Will it truly feel like a home or will it just be some place to lay their head?

And so it was that a nice article by PLAN entitled "Home Ownership and Taxes" landed in my inbox this evening. The different types of home ownership (direct ownership versus principal residence trusts) are discussed and compared from both a legal and a practical point of view, as are the tax implications involved in a trust situation.

And I'm pleased to note that although PLAN is BC-based, 95% of the article appears applicable to Nova Scotia, thanks to income tax being a federal issue. 

The only caveat I would note would be under the heading "Property Transfer Tax" near the end of the article as the issue of how much (or whether or not you will even pay) what we in Nova Scotia call a deed transfer tax varies not just by the Province but, in our case, by the municipality in which you reside.

And, on a little less legal, but no less necessary note, I leave you with the story of Greg and his family's fight to find him a true home (again courtesy of PLAN).  To remind us all to never, ever give up.