What have I been up to, you ask?
Well, a few more presentations on Supported Decision-Making and Legal Guardianship in Nova Scotia. The effort involved in trying to start a new business (see above).
And, what I would most like to share with you, attending the recent CACL (Canadian Association for Community Living) Conference. My youngest and I headed out again and it was a great, if exhausting, weekend.
So, quickly them (much to do, much to do) some of the highlights, in no particular order:
- reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones
- meeting Emily Eaton and her father
- hearing/seeing the infamous Michael Kendrick (author of the infamous Kendrick Report) for the first time
- the pre-conference session with Dr. Al Condolusi (a most excellent speaker/presenter)
- hearing, with my very own ears, our Minister of Community Services state that she believes that every person in this Province is entitled to live in the community, if they so choose (and briefly discussing that comment with her afterwards)
Now the real question is will I ever get back here to post more about the Conference?
Let's just say I hope to but I'm not making any promises.
Because, sometimes, when I make promises, it just doesn't work out so well.
Now just what is that saying about the road to hell?
Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and
roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too.
~ Aldous Huxley
roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too.
~ Aldous Huxley