Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Not A Very Merry Christmas

We've talked a bit here and there about Nova Scotia's track record with institutions for the disabled - both the fact that more money seems to be going into them and how residents are treated.

Out this months is the Report on the Riverview Home Corporation released by the Department of Community Services.

As noted by the Nova Scotia Association for Community Living, this is most definitely not the time of year that we look forward to reading reports. That being said, it is requested that we take the time and reflect on our lifestyle in comparison to the descriptions given in this report.
The conditions described are appalling. It is unacceptable and unthinkable that citizens of this province should have to endure such lack of privacy, overcrowding and lack of service. They are unacceptable working conditions for staff as well.

Riverview is an institution outside New Glasgow. NSACL urges that you all take time to read the report and to take action. Please write or call your MLA , the Premier or 424-6600 and the Minister of Community Services, Denise Peterson-Rafuse or 424-8296 to express your concerns.

We wish you all peace and health and joy for the coming year.

Nova Scotia Association for Community Living.

To which Dorothy of the Disability Rights Coalition adds this:
We who have loved ones or have a disability ourselves should really be alarmed about this report; our government is in the process of building and renovating more institutions in Nova Scotia. They do not seem to “get it”.

If Newfoundland closed down their institutions in 1996 and Ontario closed their last institution last fall why is it our government feels they have to continue operating these places, they bear no resemblance to a home; they are more like penal intuitions.

Every study indicates that with the right kinds of supports people with disabilities
not only are able to live in their communities they thrive there.

What more must we do to let our politicians understand. I hope as Mary suggests you will all take the time to write or speak to your MLA’s.
'Nuff said.

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