Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome ... and Thanks to NSACL

Many thanks to the Nova Scotia Association for Community Living for mentioning the blog in their latest Newsletter. And to those of you who have dropped by over the last coupla to "check it out", Welcome.

As noted below, two of the things I am working on at the moment are setting out the process a parent must go through to obtain guardianship of their young adult (as well as information on why you would want to do this) and information on the various programs available through the Province's Services for Persons with Disabilities Program. So please keep checking back in. I hope to have something up on at least one of these topics over the next couple of days.

But I also wanted to let people know that I am more than open to suggestions for topics. So please tell me what issues concern you, what you want to hear about. And feel free to drop comments in the comment box on any topic that grabs your fancy. Who knows, we might just get an actual conversation going.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Please, pass it on. If you find the site useful to you, or think it might be in the future, then please tell others who you think might benefit. I think its really important that we get information out there to parents. After all, we can only advocate properly for our children if we know their and our rights.

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