Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Monday, July 7, 2008

This Just In ... Henson Trust Handbook Now Available Online

Which would be very good news, seeing as how we already know what a valuable and important tool the Henson Trust can be in planning for the future of individuals with disabilities. And how important it is that that such a trust be done exactly right in order for them to work.

Although prepared by Reena and with a definite slant towards the Ontario system, I have no doubt that it will still prove useful for those of us in the disability community in Nova Scotia. Just remember that the rules under the ODSP system as to allowable assets are different than in the Nova Scotia system. So take that part with a bit of a grain of salt and refer back to our previous discussion on the current Nova Scotia system in this regard.

Just to whet your appetite, a quick peek at the Table of Contents
Part 1:
How Henson Trusts can support people who receive ODSP
benefits 4
What is a trust? 4
When is it a good idea to provide fully for your loved one using a trust? 5
What kind of trust could help your relative? 5

Part 2:
Everything you need to know about ODSP 7
What is ODSP? 7
Who can get ODSP? 8
How does ODSP define disability? 8
How does ODSP decide how much money a person with disabilities will get? 8
Answers to common questions about ODSP 10

Part 3:
Setting up a Henson Trust 13
What to consider when you choose a trustee 13
What to include in the Henson Trust provisions 14
Answers to common questions about Henson Trusts 15

Part 4:
How to prepare for the future 20
Developing a financial plan 20
Building up your estate 22
Other things you can do to meet your relative’s needs 23
Answers to common questions about wills and estates 26

Part 5:
Is a Henson Trust a good choice for you? 29
Profiles of families considering a Henson Trust 31

Part 6:
Resources 32

Part 7:
So what are you waiting for?

H/T to Dorothy Kitchen, Disability Rights Coalition

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can see you're right on top of things! The Reena publication is great and will be very useful for many families.

Best, Ken Pope