Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mark Your Calenders

Big News ~ The 2008 version of the annual Tools For Life Conference and Exhibit has expanded to a two day event.

A "pre-conference" will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2008, at the Old Orchard Inn with the regular Conference and Exhibit day to be held on Friday, October 24, 2008.

The pre-conference theme is Working Beyond the Diagnosis: Interventions and Transition. Dr. Susan Bryson, a leading researcher in Autism Spectrum Disorders with the IWK, will deliver the keynote address with sessions focusing on research, strategies and tools for individuals with a lifelong developmental disability.

Although there is no charge to attend Friday's presentations or to view the exhibits, there is a fee to attend the pre-conference. However, I am happy to note that the $75 fee for professionals has been lowered to a special rate of $25 for family members and students. Registration for the pre-conference closes on October 21, 2008.

On Friday, October 24, 2008, Tools for Life returns to Horton High School between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. with free sessions and exhibits. Millie Colbourne, Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Community Services, [does the name of that program sound familiar to anybody?] will deliver the keynote address. Seventy-five presentations on a variety of topics are scheduled on Friday, with more than 115 informative exhibits on display.

I have to tell you, I am a big fan of Tools For Life. With information and material on everything from physical to mental challenges, learning disabilities, aging, education, transportation, advocacy (legal and otherwise), assistive technology, speech and language therapy, home care and nursing services, medication needs, residential living ... from infancy, through childhood, adulthood to our golden years, it's all there.

Hey, I warned you that I was a big fan, right?

Unfortunately, last year, I was struck by a migraine on the scheduled day and only it made it late in the afternoon to attempt a mad dash through the numerous exhibits. I was very disappointed, I didn't even have get the chance to see all exhibits, let alone attend some sessions I was really looking forward to. This year will be different.

More information, on both the pre-conference and a complete list of the sessions available on Friday, October 24th can be found here. And the registration form can be found here.

See you there!

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