A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
~Yoko Ono

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yet Another Survey ...

Update: That was easy. Survey complete. Now it's your turn.
Decima Research is conducting a research study on behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. This study is about programs and services that are offered to Canadians with disabilities. We are looking to survey people with disabilities, their legal guardian, or their caregiver.

We are asking for your help to find people who meet this criteria and who would be willing to participate in this study.

Please be assured that all information collected will be kept confidential and will be used only for the purposes of this research study. The results will be reported in aggregate form only and no person or organization will be identified. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Participants can conduct the survey using any of the following methods:

1) ONLINE: Please provide eligible participants will [this website]: . This link will take them directly to Decima's secure online survey site.

Please provide eligible participants with the following toll-free number to call: 1-888-288-0199. They can complete the survey immediately, or schedule an interview for a later date. Please ask them to reference study #47380.

3) TTY: Please provide eligible participants who have a hearing or speech impairment with the following email address: 47380@decima.com. They may contact us to arrange an interview date and time. We will then contact them via TTY through a Bell relay service operator at the time of their choosing.

Additionally, in a separate email I will send you a poster that you can use to help with recruitment. It has all the pertinent information on it, including a brief description of this study, the eligibility criteria, and the various ways participants can complete the survey.

For further information about this study, please contact:

Megan Tam
Vice President
613-230-2200 ext. 3095

On behalf of HRSDC, thank you for your help on this important study.

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