Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Provincial Autism Centre Newsletter

There's lots of interesting stuff in the latest Autism newsletter, which you might want to check out.

From their social groups for teens and adults, a new supported employment program (very cool, that), a message from Susan Bryson on the Early Intensive Behavourial Intervention Program, a 'Parents Corner' on the realities of traveling with our children on the spectrum [if only I had read this (or had a half a brain to think it through myself beforehand) before our trip this summer ... airport security... DUH!) to some very interesting looking books, there should be something for just about everyone.

And I'm sure I don't need to remind anybody reading here that even if a challenged child doesn't sport the label of "autism", many of the same challenges and creative solutions will still apply.

Happy reading!

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