Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Upcoming Upcomings

Lots of interesting things going on in these parts lately - just check out the heading "Places To Be - Upcoming Events" in the sidebar to the left.

But I thought I would highlight just a few.

One event I wish I could make but unfortunately can't is the Estate Planning for Adult Children with Disabilities session [sponsored by Support Services Group Co Operative Limited (SSG) and Halifax Association for Community Living] on Saturday, February 27th from 10:00 to 12:00 at the Seacoast Towers, 22-24 Dundas Street, Dartmouth NS.

George Clarke, a lawyer from Boyne Clarke, will present planning strategies to assist parents in leaving a legacy to adult children with a disability, without endangering public funding or programming. Guardianship and information on how to protect savings and guaranteed investments vs. non– guaranteed investments, as it relates to savings for your family and your dependent child will also be discussed. Insight will be shared on the types of investments that work well in trust funds. RSVP to James Baltus at 466-0230 or Jean Coleman at 463-4752 by February 25th. (Yeah, that's today).

It being tax season and all, the Disability Tax Credit is once again a hot topic. On Sunday, February, 28th, Megan Leslie, MP for Halifax will be hosting a Disability Tax Credit Presentation from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm at Northwood Care Inc, Stadacona Room, 2615 Northwood Terrace, Halifax.

The Halifax Association for Community Living (a group which, if you're not familiar with them, you really should check it out) will be offering a Lunch 'n Learn session on the history and work of the organization on March 5, 2010.

There are not one but two Learning Disability Conferences in the near future.

The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board Learning Disabilities Conference Day (entitled "Unleashing the Potential of the Teenage Brain") is Saturday, March 27th at the Kentville Firehall. The registration deadline is March 12th. For more information or to register contact Gail Demmings AVRSB 538-4638 or email

The 2010 Nova Scotia Learning Disabilities Conference will be held on May 13th & 14th at the World Trade & Convention Centre in Halifax. Visit the LDNS website for more information and to preview this year’s list of speakers. Register by March 1, 2010 and you will be entered to win a day at the spa!

And last, but certainly not least, might I remind you that the NDP Consultations are continuing around the Province. This is your opportunity to voice your opinion as to how the government needs to support people with intellectual disabilities. You can visit the government website for directions on making your voices heard. But before you do, you might want to check out the responses from the Nova Scotia Association for Community Living regarding the 4 questions asked by Graham Steele, Finance Minister.

There you go ... don't say I never told ya!

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