Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Monday, August 16, 2010

I Wish I Could ... I Wish I Could ...

We just returned from a 10-day vacation to Cape Breton Island a few days ago.

Great trip ... but why does "re-entry" seem to get more and more difficult as the years pass?

Trying to put my brain, house, work and life back in order is definitely going to result in me needing another vacation. On account of my vacation.

I tell you this because I dearly do want to write a new post here. In fact, I even started one while we were away. But severe difficulties with the keyboard of a brand new lap top (!!) resulted in me deciding to finish it when we returned home. Which now I would really like to finish but can't at the moment. See above.

But I will do a little, perhaps, to whet your appetite until I do manage to get back to that post. First, the rather short version of the story. And here, a little more detail. That last link being well worth the read, by the way.

So, then, until we meet again. To discuss the duty of a school and a school board to keep our challenged (whether physically, mentally or both) children safe during the school day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a sad day on this planet when a school neglects to allow access to an elevator for a student who has mobility issues. Really this rocket science??? Where is the common sense??? Unfortunately our educational assistants are provided with too much responsibility. This example provides every reason in the world why they should not bear so much responsibility. Unfortunately, I can see this accident having happened in our province, NS, just as easily as it did in PEI. Everything happens for a reason, they say. I truly hope that someone, somewhere, has made a change to prevent such neglect from happening again. However, this lesson is at the expense of a young man and his dear mother, whose lives have been changed for the remainder of their years. SOMETHING BETTER CHANGE SOMEWHERE! I would also add that it better be an improvement! Otherwise, I can't imagine the what the reason for this tragedy would be.