Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Focus, People, Focus

Meaning that I attended a focus group last night.

Apparently the federal government will be starting a new ad campaign for the RDSP.  A print ad campaign (think magazines and newspapers), in particular and they were looking for different groups of people (in this case, parents of individuals) who would be eligible for the RDSP to try out some of their ideas on.

It was an interesting evening (yes, in part, because we were paid well for our time) to see both how many people were not even familiar, had not even heard of the RDSP and the different reactions to the different types of ads.  Would you believe that out of a group of 9 individuals, 5 had never heard of the RDSP? Pretty depressing from my point of view...

They did have some good ad ideas, though.  And, of course, some not so good.  One in particular that I really liked showed a mother and daughter with a headline that read "I'm afraid planning for her future".  I found that headline really effective, with the word "afraid" crossed out and replaced by "planning".

So here's to hoping this ad campaign gets going soon and more and more people become familiar with the RDSP.  Wouldn't it be great to get to the point of the RDSP being a familiar a term as the RRSP or RESP?

Ah, well, a girl can always dream ...

1 comment:

Jean Coleman said...

The more that we get this news out the better.