Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Monday, December 19, 2011

Worker Bees

What a great Christmas present!

I just unwrapped the Halifax Association for Community Living Family Support Program's Workshop Calendar for 2012. And there's some very, very interesting stuff inside.

Check it out!

February: "Circles" workshop "Circles" for youth and adults with intellectual disabilities who are interested in learning about relationships and intimacy.

April: "RDSP" workshop The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) helps Canadians with disabilities and their families save for the future. If you are a Canadian resident under age 60 and are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, you are eligible for an RDSP. Earnings accumulate tax-free, until you take money out of your RDSP.

June: "Housing Options, Problems and Solutions" workshop Alternative Family Support Program Independent Living Support Approved Community-Based Homes Licensed Homes for Special Care

August: "From Emotions to Advocacy" workshop "From Emotions to Advocacy" by Pam and Pete Wright of Wrightslaw, geared towards advocates of individuals with intellectual disabilities and based on the workbook.

September: "Guardianship and Henson Trust" workshop Not every individual with an intellectual disability will require a guardian. However, they may need a guardian for specific areas of decision-making or for most aspects of daily living. The needs of adults who need a guardian are as varied as are their abilities to make their own decisions.

Protecting Your Child's Future with the Henson Trust or "absolute discretionary trust". Come find out how to protect your savings for your child with a disability so they will still be able to access community services benefits upon your passing.

Times and locations TBA in the New Year...
See you in 2012!
I will, of course, post the dates on the sidebar ("Places To Be") when they become available.

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