Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

Wow - my apologies! May 27th - it's hard to believe I've went this long without posting.

But (as usual) I do have a few excuses. Let's see ... where to begin?

  • In early June, my husband and I were successful in obtaining guardianship of our oldest daughter. Not only is that, obviously, a significant event for our family but it had added import for me. You see, I've always been quite confident that the a family could use the Nova Scotia Legal Guardianship Kit to successfully apply for guardianship of a high-functioning adult. But now I have proof.

    The sample affidavits for a high-functioning adult in the Kit were based on my own daughter, who  at the time was only 16. When the time actually came to apply for guardianship of her (3 years later), I realized that I had to update those affidavits because she had made some significant progress in those three years. And yet, in spite of that progress, the Kit was still more than adequate to found a successful court application.

    Can the NS Legal Guardianship Kit be successfully used to obtain guardianship of a high-functioning adult?


  • In the middle of June, my daughters and I headed out to Manitoba for my niece's wedding. And to meet my brand new now two-year-old grand-niece.  Did we have a nice trip, you ask? Yes, yes we did. A lovely three-week trip it was.

  • Ever a sucker for punishment, less than a week after our return home, I wrote rewrote the Bar Admission Examination. And, just for the record, an examination that took one day and was open book when I first wrote it, 20 + years ago is now a two-day exam. And, most definitely, NOT open book.

    That's right, I took the first, make that the second, step in that leap of faith we discussed last year. We won't receive our marks for a few months but I must say I do find the whole thing rather exciting. 

So there you have it. A brief synopsis of the first part of my summer.

But never fear, now that I'm back, we will start getting some content moving again on ye olde blawg.

In fact, I already have some ideas floating around my noggin, from discrimination regarding service animals to the right and ability of persons with intellectual disabilities to marry to the import (and importance) of confidentiality agreements when litigation (including human rights matters) is settled.

So stay tuned. I will be here. Unless, of course, this @%$!! heat completely does me in.

And I slowly m-e-l-t ... a-w-a-y ...

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