Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Remember What Mama Always Said ...

I generally try not to stray too close to the issue of politics on this blawg; after all, you know what Mama always said about polite dinner table conversation.


There is an election coming up, isn't there? Why, yes, I thought I heard something about that.  So when this showed up in m inbox today, I decided to pass it on. Just consider me the messenger.

And please remember what else Mama said ....

Don't Shoot the Messenger
Good afternoon,

I am writing to you from the Nova Scotia Association for Community Living -  a province wide association of family members and others working for the benefit of persons of all ages who have an intellectual disability. We work strategically with other disability rights organizations and, in particular, with Nova Scotia People First. 
 We are encouraged by the recent announcement from the Dexter government regarding the proposed transformation of Services for Persons with Disabilities. The Roadmap  is well worth the read - Choice, Equality and Good Lives in Inclusive Communities. You are also invited to read NSACL`s response to the announcement, which can be found on our website 

NSACL believes that we the people need to be champions of this new direction if indeed we want this to be the reality for persons with disabilities in Nova Scotia. It is a shift in the will of  the government and one of the most promising signs that we Nova Scotians have heard in a very long time. I have attached the Executive Summary which neatly summarizes the 55 page document that perhaps... you could use as a reference when politicians come a knocking at your doorJ  I hope you find this helpful.

 All the best

The Executive Summary of which the lady speaks can be found here *

But whatever your politics may be, no matter how frustrated you may feel with our current government, let me say this  .... NOW is the time to hold ALL our politicians accountable and responsible.

Election promises always often ring hollow, so all we really have to go by is past performance. And when you're considering past performance, please make sure you compare compare the past performance of EVERY party that seeks your vote.

And make sure to have a nice long chat with the next politician who rings your doorbell or attempts to shake your hand at some community event.

* Trust me, it's a lot shorter than the document at that first link.

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