Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Legislation for Persons with Disabilities ~ It's Time to Have Your Say

Listen up, people.

Personally, I believe that Nova Scotia could well be a tipping point at this moment when it comes to services for persons with disabilities. We could go one way (towards truly individualized funding and real community inclusion.) or we could just stick with the status quo.

Which would you prefer?

As the province looks at bringing forward new legislation the ipro bono student group at Dalhousie Law School has taken the initiative of reviewing legislation in other provinces and elsewhere regarding services for persons with disabilities, the

They're anxious to engage as many people as possible in their project. And since you have a vested interest in the outcome, your opinion matters.

Here is a short survey (honest, it really is short) that touches on a lot of important points, some of which will really make you stop and think.

Please take a few minutes to complete it. If you like, they will send you the results, which will be included in their final report.

One other request - please share this survey widely - this legislation will affect a large number of people who are not often consulted. Indeed, the number of responses is itself a part of the message.

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