Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Yeah .... About This Whole Blogging Thing

If you followed the first link in my last post, you might have noticed that I'm much more productive on the MMC Legal Service's FB page than I am here. 

That's because it's so much quicker and easier to post a link to some current event or issue, adding my thoughts in a few lines of text than it is to pen a meaningful blawg post. 

Trust me when I say it takes me a lot longer to write a post than it does you to read it.

That's why I am throwing out the following two thoughts for your consideration.

  • You might want to follow the FB page to keep more up-to-date with current goings-on.
  • This gives the added benefit of being able to either DM or use the Contact Me option on the MMC Legal Services' website should you see something you think would benefit from a more in-depth discussion.

Take your time. I'll be right here waiting.

The Canada Disability Benefit Needs You ... and You ... and You

I've posted a few times on my MMC Legal Services FB page about the yet-to-be seen Canada Disability Benefit promised prior to the last federal election. 

The following is the text I received in an email from Disability Without Poverty. Please read the Call to Action found at the bottom of this post. 

Turning Bill C-22 Into The Canada Disability Benefit Act
By Amanda Lockitch 

How Does a Bill Become Law in Canada? 
On June 2, 2022, the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) had its first reading in the House of Commons (HOC). On June 13th, with roughly 10 sitting days left before parliament adjourns for summer break, the leaders of over 75 stakeholder organizations put forth a letter to government requesting that Bill C-22 (CDB) be called for its second reading before this adjournment. The second reading will enable C-22 to move to its assigned Standing Committee and then onto the rest of the legislative process. The hope is that the CDB can progress in a timely manner because people are in desperate need of help now.

While Bill C-22 has reached the first important step of being tabled, many working age people with disabilities living in Canada are asking why their dinner plates are still empty at the end of each month. We are seeing increasing accounts of people taking the drastic step of applying for Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) simply because they can’t make ends meet. How long will it take the CDB to reach the pocketbooks of people in need? 

Saskatchewan Senator Brent Cotter and Greg McMeekin, Alberta’s Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, held a webinar moderated by the Co-Chair of Disability Without Poverty, Michelle Hewitt, to explain the process of how a bill becomes law in Canada and answer questions that have arisen about this process. Below is an overview of that process. 

The House of Commons 
In this case, the CDB was introduced into the HOC. Once past its first reading and tabled, it must go through a second reading, where it undergoes debate and a vote on its principles. Then it moves to its Standing Committee. 

Consideration in Committee 
Witnesses and experts are invited to the committee to examine the implications of the proposal. They look at how to improve it, what might need to be added or taken away. They review it, clause by clause, and eventually report back to the HOC. In this case the committees will examine over 20 regulations to make sure they fit the letter of the bill as introduced. For example, Bill C-22, as introduced, speaks to a benefit for people of working age. That means if anywhere it includes minors or seniors as entitled to the benefit, they are ‘out of bounds’ and cannot remain in this particular bill. Once every regulation and every aspect of the bill has been approved by its committee, it is reported back, to the HOC and receives its third reading. 

The Senate 
Then it goes through a similar process from first to third read in the Senate. Once the exact same version passes through both the HOC and the Senate it obtains Royal Assent from the Governor General. It passes into law by Coming into Force at the discretion of the Governor in Council. It changes from Bill C-22 to the Canada Disability Benefit Act.

Where We Stand Toda
At this time, the HOC has risen for the summer break. 

While Bill-C22 did not receive a second reading, we are hopeful it will be picked up quickly again in the fall. We encourage you shake hands with your local MPs when you see them out and about this summer and keep the pressure on regarding the Canada Disability Benefit. As too many people living in Canada are aware: poverty doesn’t take a break for summer.


Disability Without Poverty is requesting people to Meet, Call or Email your local MP.

Over 1,650 Canadians have written to your MPs to let them know how important it is to move people with disabilities out of poverty but we must continue to make sure the Canadian Disability Benefit remains a national priority.

If unsure who local MP is or how to contact him or her, this page will allow you to search MPs by entering your postal code. Following the corresponding link, will give you all the contact information.